UBC Studios Operations: DIY Studios Restricted Access

An update in regards to planned roof replacement on the University Services Building has led to a shift into what services we can offer for a few months.
Construction Update: UBC Studios limited access

Updated: May 7th, 2024   Written By: UBC Studios Operations



“Our Studios is currently operating from a mostly remote setting – DIY Spaces are not able to booked from April 1st – May 10th.”


Update – May 7th 2024

Roof construction of the studio area is mostly complete, we look forward to officially start bookings again starting Monday, May 13th. Please email ubc.studios@ubc.ca or use the contact us form to book in your dates. Please note that minor construction noises may still occur, however the bulk of the construction is now over. There may also be intermittent tar-like odours in the building. Please email us should you have any concerns.

What this construction means

Planned roof demolition and reconstruction will be causing large noises throughout the entire building, which limits us to what services we can offer, and where our staff can work. Due to this there will be a few changes in the operations of our studios, with the changes expected to continue until completion of our portion of the building. This is currently slated to be sometime in early May. However this is weather dependent, so may be pushed to Mid May or even early June depending on weather patterns and scheduling. We will be keeping you updated via our social media channels and through this post. In terms of the impact:
Media Consultation and filming will still be continuing as normal – with meetings happening mostly remote.
We will also be temporarily limiting access to our DIY studios including the DIY Audio Suite, DIY Video Recording Studio and Lightboard Studio until the bulk of the construction is completed.


Alternative Studios for your work


We recommend utilizing the DIY Media Studio at the Chapman Learning Commons for audio recording and podcast recording. You can book the space directly on their site here.
Any questions can be emailed to ubc.studios@ubc.ca. We thank you for your patience.